Graffiti Creator
This is a fun, no login necessary, way to create titles with
a Graffiti style for projects. It doesn’t do much other than make pretty cool
text but the kids like it.
PiktoChart (Data Visualisation)
This is a great way to create Data Visualisations. These are
printable posters that display large amounts of data pictorially with graphs
and size comparisons. It’s pretty easy to use but you do need to sign in.
Google Fusion Tables
This one is perfect for the scientists and social
scientists; it’s a bit tricky to use but worth the effort. You and your
studnets can create interactive maps with images and data by putting
information into Google Fusion Tables. The link is to a tutorial to follow (I
thought just linking to the tool itself would not be very useful) and please
ask if you want to use something like this in class.
Blooms Digital Taxonomy the Wiki
This is a great site that teachers from all over the world
contribute to. It is teachers ideas of how to implement Bloom’s taxonomy in a
digital world and has links to other tools that you can use in the classroom.
The great thing about this site is that it is a community of teachers and
learners and you can contribute to the community youselves.
Interactive, Media Rich Timelines
This gorgeous website allows you (or the students) to create
timelines where each point in time includes any combination of text, graphics
and video (youtube). It allows the students to visualise the distance between
events in time. You can even upload the data in spreadsheet form.